Video killed the radio star
re-written by machine on new technology
Blogging died a death, replaced by other platforms, by grids, 15 second video clips, all our attention deficit brains can process.
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in my absence it seems to have been rebranded as journalling. Shall we try again? It is in a temporary new home whilst i finish the new website. I had rather hoped it might be ready today and i could jazz hand it out, but I kept being interrupted by people wanting to actually buy flowers which is a delicious irony. The old blog is still there if you are keen to rake up the past or simply new to the game. There have been a few cast member changes, the private messages wrapped up in song lyrics are for somebody else
and I now have not one but two allotments, so growing chat might be a little more prolific
and vegetables, because I have stopped eating meat. As i write this there is a cauliflower roasting in turmeric with dates and pine nuts, a whippet is curled up on my knee and i have a cup of tea. Not out clubbing.
This post has been a lot like the first pancake, there has to be one, and it sits on the side staring at you, mocking you, and you know you should give it to the dog, but you end up nibbling at it, destroying the evidence.
Shall we reconvene on Sunday, for a proper post. At least this one had Kenneth in it.